Meet the team!
Our Trustee Team
Yemi K Warner is a Writer/Director from Luton in film & media. With a background in various youth work, he believes Empowering young people's creativity leads to personal & societal improvements.
We do things differently! Always moving, always developing, always keeping it fun!
“Our goal is to ensure no young person is left behind. Do what you love, do what your good at, do what brings you purpose!”
When we act, we act to our optimum high standards. Demand excellence of yourself and our audience will be awe of you!
“Don’t be afraid of trying new things, take every opportunity that you can and make mistakes, so you can learn!”
We are ambitious and inspire ambition so we can meet the aspiration of all young people, and meet challenges of tomorrow!
Our Ambassador Team
An eternal arsenal fan and vows to one day have Rihanna or Stormzy perform in Luton!
Climate Change ambassador and host of the Youth Network Podcast!
Born and raised, a photographer and videographer, always looking to learn more and hungry for a challenge!